Trusting Teachers: Empowering Educators to Improve Schools

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 9:00am to 12:30pm
WHYY Dorrance Hamilton Hall, 150 N. 6th St. Philadelphia PA

 The Philadelphia School Partnership, Teachers Lead Philly, and the Lehigh University Center for Developing Urban Educational Leaders will be co-sponsoring a mini-conference on the topic of teacher-empowered schools as an avenue for change in Philadelphia. This conference is intended to generate discussion around the idea of teacher-empowered schools and the possibility in using this structure as a turnaround model. We hope that this event will 1) network educational professionals both from the Philadelphia area and nationally who are interested in this topic and 2) serve to incubate ideas for those interested in the expanding the role teachers play in Philadelphia schools.  Essential Questions-  What models exist for teacher-led and teacher-empowered schools?-  How can schools in which teachers are a part of the decision-making process be    transformational? How will they get transformational results?-  What is the potential for this movement to occur in Philadelphia?The event will include speakers, but more importantly a space for educators to engage in meaningful dialogue about the implications of involving teachers in the leadership of schools. Click here for event details.